"Inspiration is Beauty"
Who is TR. Martin?

Henri Bergson once said, “The eyes only see what the mind is prepared to comprehend.” This quote rattles through my mind every time I bring my camera up to my eye. What did yesterday’s experiences open in my mind that will allow me to see today what I couldn’t see yesterday? I know this quote can be applied to life in general but it just seems so poignant when I get my camera out and start to frame a new image. This is the true essence of photography for me. What new and unique image will I discover today?

I truly believe we are in the middle of a renaissance in the industry. The digital age has finally matured to where the mind’s complexity and whimsy can be sharply reproduced and shared with the world in vivid, high fidelity. Looking around the Internet you see some incredible imagery created by professionals, amateurs, and even children. What really makes this such an incredible time is not only the talent, tools, and creativity but the community support as well. With flickr, 500px, and other photo-centric sites people are helping, teaching, and inspiring one another. It’s like living in Florence, Italy during the Renaissance. I truly believe that in 100 or 200 years people will look back and realize what an influential time this was. Whether my prediction is correct or not , the one thing I do know for sure is I like what I’m seeing and I love being a part of it.

There’s a saying here in Texas for people who are not native: “I wasn’t born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could.” I was not a photographic prodigy with a camera in my hand from the age of three, but I got here as fast as I could. For me, life had a different path. I got my first SLR camera at the age of 19 and spent the next 20 years improving my skills . After what seems like a life-time living in a gray cube programming for a large computer corporation here in Austin, I decided it was time for a change and I wanted that change to be something creative and colorful. Watching all the amazing photography on the Internet made me wish I could be a part of it. Then I asked myself, “You know what, why can’t I?” There was nothing stopping me but me. So I buckled down and bought numerous books on composition, color theory, lighting, fashion, art, Photoshop and anything I thought would be of benefit. My images started improving and one day I noticed they were near the same quality I was seeing in magazines. I was hooked and I had a new goal, let my photos loose out into the world to inspire other people.

Having taken the long road to get here, I have had a chance to acquire many of the business skills only experience can teach. As your photographer I’m not here to just push the big camera button. I’m here to help and relieve you of the mundane details and the accompanying stress, freeing you up to manage the big picture and contemplate your message. I stand there to make sure things progress seamlessly: overcoming obstacles, orchestrating resources, reducing confusion, meeting deadlines, maintaining budget, adapting to changes, and most importantly producing attention-grabbing images.

Cheers, TR. MARTIN